Some of the biggest obstacles to economic recovery during the crisis are the low level of governance, regulations that do not support economic growth and fair business competition, organizational problems bearing the burden of bureaucracy and recruitment system, and career path that is not based on merit. All of these happened in government and industry including state-owned enterprises over the past few decades.

These problematic conditions require changes that must be triggered by right policies, authorization, reinforcement, and endorsement from the highest leadership, transformation into modern, lean, agile, transparent, and accountable organization, as well as internal and external support from concerned organization, including stakeholders.

Organizations experiencing these conditions are aware of their circumstances and the need for them to change. Even from before the reformation era, the needs to transform were very prominent, proofed by the many efforts from government and industry to transform following suit the ability to compete in global market. In general, these organizations carried out the transformation by hiring world-level foreign transformation consultants, that by default use the approaches, methods, and parameters used formally and globally.

However, these approaches, methods, and parameters are not only less effective, more expensive, but also costly caused by time and opportunity loss, since most of the mistakes are caused by unclear policies, unsupportive law, lack of involvement and strengthening from highest leadership, weak enthusiasm and encouragement from internal circles – as changes mean new things and the process of learning new things is always painful and does not always bring results immediately.

It is even more fatal that foreign consultants are lack of understanding on social and local cultural factors which result in the inaccurate transformation programs they create. When a transformation template that is implemented successfully in one jurisdiction and then is applied to an organization in Indonesia, it is immediately apparent that at the implementation level the program will become so weak, inefficient, and inefficient because of the absence of the factors and local content mentioned above.

One successful and phenomenal example of transformation was carried out by PT Timah Tbk which began before the reformation era. This success was ensured by strong leadership in deciding and guarding the transformation process from policy making to implementation in the field.

Erry R. Hardjapamekas, who was Finance Director and then CEO of PT Timah Tbk, at that time was the main leader who ensured the success of the transformation process. Kemal A. Stamboel was one of the consultants who played a major role in the transformation process. Arief T. Surowidjojo was an external legal consultant of PT Timah Tbk.

Founders of Tridaya Advisory: (from left to right) Arief T. Surowidjojo, Kemal A. Stamboel, and Erry R. Hardjapamekas

Each of the founders of Tridaya Advisory is strong individual and has high integrity and professionalism in their respective fields, which if put together is a combination of three effective forces that are able to provide guidance to the government, industry, and civil society regarding various governance issues, government-business relations, and the involvement of civil society in the formation of public policy. The union of the three forces is reflected in the name “Tridaya” used by this company which in English is translated to “three forces”.

Tridaya Advisory applies the latest principles in implementing organization transformation process. Not only that, Tridaya Advisory deeply understands how these principles can be applied effectively in organization in Indonesia. It is beacuse Tridaya Advisory places itself in the middle of the transformation process, is involved deeply with the process, and provides direct guidance and example to top management key personnel and anyone inside and outside of the organization who want achieve the transformation process’ goals, as if Tridaya Advisory itself is undergoing this transformation process.